We Are Already Transhuman

We are already one with computer. We are already Transhuman.

💬 In this video I delve into the intriguing world of my favourite topic: transhumanism, exploring the intersection of human biology and cutting-edge technology.

🦾 I discuss the idea of merging our bodies with computers, creating a seamless existence alongside machines. This concept goes beyond just futuristic notions like brain-computer interfaces, as seen in projects such as
Neuralink and Synchron.

🛜 I also highlight current technologies that are already integrating with our bodies, like cochlear implants and pacemakers with Bluetooth capabilities that allow for communication with medical professionals.

⌚️I further demonstrate the extent of this integration in our daily lives by discussing the common use of smartwatches. These devices, once only found in the realm of science fiction, now enable us to receive messages from loved ones and even share our heart rate with someone on the other side of the world.

📈My keynote about transhumanism and these technologies underscores the swift pace at which we are progressing towards a more interconnected existence, merging human and machine in ways that were previously only envisioned in science fiction.

Footage from the
ADMA Global Forum with thanks to usual suspects creative.

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Modern Leadership: The Science of Noticing Others